At the time I hadn’t really noticed a problem with Clawed. Both of my cats were 11 years old so I thought it would be sensible to do some screening blood tests just to make sure they were OK. I was quite surprised to find that Clawed was hyperthyroid (he certainly wasn’t the advanced text book cases we see at work!) Looking back he probably did shout for food more and felt a little bit thinner but nothing that I had been too worried about prior to the blood tests. I had done a lot of research about hyperthyroidism for a case report I had previously written. I had decided at the time that RIT was the best option, it was just a case of deciding where to send him!

Clawed – now cured of hyperthyroidism
Clawed was hospitalised for 3 weeks at the centre which was followed by a week at home of house arrest (which he was not happy about at all!). He came home with a normal thyroid level and, 6 months later, he remains that way and hopefully will continue to do so. He didn’t need any tablets or operations, just a single injection which (as he is such a well trained vet’s cat) he didn’t even need a sedation for.
The staff at the centre were great. I received daily emails or phone calls letting me know how he was getting on including a photo of him chilling in his kennel.
I can’t recommend RIT and the hyperthyroid cat centre enough. Clawed was cured in 3 weeks with very little stress to him and his owners (though we did miss him!)
Thanks so much for all your help with him.
The staff at the centre were great. I received daily emails or phone calls letting me know how he was getting on including a photo of him chilling in his kennel.