
Cat Stories

Brave Laddie – Beating Tumours More Than Once

Laddie cured of feline hyperthyrodism using radio-iodine

We were so worried when Laddie was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. He’s an old boy who we found 9 years ago injured and miserable. We tried for a while to regulate the thyroid levels with tablets but this didn’t work and he didn’t look well.

When the vet mentioned radiotherapy treatment we gave it a lot of thought – How would he feel after the treatment ? Would the radiation therapy make him feel sick? How dangerous is this? What are the after effects?

Eventually we decided to go ahead, and after meeting vet Andrew Bodey and the staff at the centre our worries began to subside. I couldn’t fault the care Laddie received –the staff rang us every day to report on his progress and truly made us feel very reassured that he was being well looked after.

Laddie’s thyroid levels have been perfect in the 6 months since he completed the treatment and no symptoms of the disease are evident. In respect of the thyroid problems he’s very well indeed and we would recommend this treatment to anyone who is struggling to stabilise their hyperthyroid cat with tablets.

More recently Laddie developed a malignant anal tumour which was removed by surgery just before Christmas.  Since then Laddie has gone from strength to strength after receiving 5 star treatment from our local vet.

He’s a lucky boy and he’s feeling a lot better now.

Laddie’s thyroid levels have been perfect in the 6 months since he completed the treatment and we would recommend this treatment to anyone who is struggling to stabilise their hyperthyroid cat with tablets.