
Cat Stories

Marvelous Milly – Home Safe and Sound

Milly post radio iodine treatment at The Hyerpthyroid Cat Centre

After a routine check up in February 2014 when we advised our vets that Milly our beautiful fur baby seemed like she was losing weight even though she was eating loads, she was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism which we had never heard of.

From the moment my vet mentioned radioiodine treatment I knew that was the route I wanted to go down,  the other 3 options of special food, surgery to remove the thyroid or pills for the rest of her life was something I didn’t even think about.

Having had a couple of very long discussions with Andrew and his Team at the Hyperthyroid Cat Clinic at Wetherby and having had our fears allayed and putting us at ease we  arranged for Milly to be treated. We had to give her the best chance of getting better no matter what the cost.

We worried from the moment we left her how she would cope without us, as she’s a very affectionate cat and likes to be near us but as anxious as we were about Milly we knew she was in the best place to get a cure and come back to us feeling much better.

We took Milly to the centre on February 20th with knots in our stomachs, however Andrew and all the staff were very welcoming and went to great lengths to assure us that Milly would be well looked after even asking what music she liked to be played. By the time I left I knew Milly would be OK and I started to count down the days to her coming home. They rang everyday to say how she was and how well she was coping which made us feel much better.

A week later we were informed that Milly could come home, but she would have to be isolated in a room on her own for a week until we were sure she didn’t have high radiation still in her. That was the worst thing about the whole process as she wanted so much to go outside but she couldn’t. She did get used to it though and eventually just sat on the windowsill and looked out into the garden.  Since Milly came back she has had two post op check ups the second one this week  the vet is very happy with her progress and has no concerns about her, only her teeth which needed to be cleaned and a couple removed but they were waiting until after all her treatment and check ups before putting her through anything else, they are now done and she looks so much happier in herself.

It is wonderful to have Milly back on form and with hopefully some great years ahead of her. She is my world and when I think about her not having had the treatment I couldn’t bear to not have her in our lives!!

We are eternally grateful to Andrew and his whole team for all they did for Milly and for the knowledge and help they gave us in making this decision that changed Milly’s life I’m sure for a long time to come!

We are eternally grateful to Andrew and his whole team for all they did for Milly and for the knowledge and help they gave us in making this decision that changed Milly’s life I’m sure for a long time to come!